> 唯美句子 > 发朋友圈用英文怎么说


share...into Circle of Friends

朋友圈的英文可用WeChatMoments,也可用Circle of Friends表示。

moments 英['məʊmənt] 美['moʊmənt]

n. 时刻; 片刻; 力矩; 瞬间( moment的名词复数 );

[例句]Inmoments, I was asleep oncemore.


[其他] 原型:moment


send message

英 [send ˈmesidʒ] 美 [sɛnd ˈmɛsɪdʒ]


1、Yes, I did send message to you, please check again.


2、Send Mail failed to send message.


3、Both JRMP and IIOP are used to send message invocation information or return values over the wire.


4、We can send a message by calling the send_message() function.

我们可以通过调用send message()函数发送消息。

5、Cannot send message to web server.



share...into Circle of Friends 朋友圈的英文可用WeChat Moments,也可用Circle of Friends表示。

moments 英['məʊmənt] 美['moʊmənt] n. 时刻; 片刻; 力矩; 瞬间( moment的名词复数 ); [例句]In moments, I was asleep once more. 不一会儿工夫,我又睡着了。

[其他] 原型: moment 扩展资料: send message 英 [send ˈmesidʒ] 美 [sɛnd ˈmɛsɪdʒ] 传简讯;发短信 1、Yes, I did send message to you, please check again. 是的,我已经发信息给你了,请再查看一下。

2、Send Mail failed to send message. 发送邮件程序在发送消息时失败。

3、Both JRMP and IIOP are used to send message invocation information or return values over the wire. JRMP和IIOP都用于通过网络发送消息调用信息或者返回数据。

4、We can send a message by calling the send_message() function. 我们可以通过调用send message()函数发送消息。

5、Cannot send message to web server. 无法将消息发送到web服务器。


求告知 适合发朋友圈的句子










“加我微信”的英文表达 1、Add me WeChat; 2、add my micro letter; 3、add my weixin。

用法例句 1、那么,这个时候你再提出让她们加你的微信获取资料,她们就会迫不及待去加你。

So, this time you put forward to let them add your WeChat to get information, they will not wait to add you. 2、这一点我们自己也觉得非常的得意,因为一个新的用户装了微信以后,他确实在微信里面找不到一个叫做公众号或者公众平台的入口。

This we feel very proud of myself, because a new user with WeChat later, he is really in WeChat couldn't find a number called the public or public platform entrance. 扩展资料微信常用的句子和词汇 1、朋友圈 Moments It's fun to post something on moments. 发朋友圈很有趣 2、转发&收藏 Share&Favorites I want to share and put it in my favorites. 我想把它转发并收藏 3、表情 Sticker I received a cool sticker. 我收到了一个酷酷的表情 4、退群 Leave a group There are so many messages, i want to leave a group. 有太多信息了,我想退群 5、提及@ Mention You were mentioned. 有人@你 6、公众号/订阅号/服务号 Official accounts/ Subscription accounts/ Service accounts There are different kinds of informations in official accounts. 公众号有各种各样的信息 7、文本/语音消息 Text/voice message I can't hear you clearly, can you send me your text message? 我听得不是很清楚,你能发文字吗? 8、红包 Red packet I want to have one more red packet. 我想要多一个红包 9、微信支付 Wechat pay Can i use wechat pay? 我能用微信支付吗? 10、二维码 QR Code You can scan my QR Code to have my wechat. 你可以扫我二维码加我微信



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