> 唯美句子 > 关于校规的英语句子带翻译


Be quiet on class.上课安静。

Don't throw rubbish casually.不要随处乱扔垃圾。

No smoking or drinking.不要吸烟喝酒。

Don't fight or say rude words.不打架不骂人。

Don't bully girls.不要欺负女生。

Ask for leave on emergency.有事请假。

Be friendly to classmates.友好待人。

No cheat in exam.考试不能作弊。

Don't wear strangely.不要穿奇装异服。

1)Don't talk loudly at home.不要在家里大声说话

2)Don't smoke.不要吸烟

)Don't go to bed late 不要睡得太晚 。

please care forthe young and old 请尊老爱幼

2、Please caring

for public property 请爱护公物

3、keep quiet 保持肃静


Be quiet on class.上课安静。

Don't throw rubbish casually.不要随处乱扔垃圾。

No smoking or drinking.不要吸烟喝酒。

Don't fight or say rude words.不打架不骂人。

Don't bully girls.不要欺负女生。

Ask for leave on emergency.有事请假。

Be friendly to classmates.友好待人。

No cheat in exam.考试不能作弊。

Don't wear strangely.不要穿奇装异服。

1)Don't talk loudly at home.不要在家里大声说话2)Don't smoke.不要吸烟)Don't go to bed late 不要睡得太晚 。

please care forthe young and old 请尊老爱幼2、Please caringfor public property 请爱护公物3、keep quiet 保持肃静...


1Don t go out on school nights2 Don t play compter games on school nights3 Don t get up late on school monings4 Don t watch TV on school nights 5 Don t meet your friends on school nights6 Don t stap up late on school nights7 Wash your clothes on weekends8 Help with housework when you re free9 Be friendly to your family members10 Take care of yourself


好吧我去找找去年的英语书 There are some rules in our school.First,we must wear uniforms.Then,we can't run in the classroom or the hallway.Next,we can't fight with everybody.Last,we have to eat lunch in school.有一些规则在我们学校。





好吧英语书找不到了,好难写,好多单词和句子都忘了,你们书上应该有 可以仿照 然后可以加点议论 差不多就够了

他们学校有许多校规 英文翻译 They have

他们学校有许多校规 They have(many)(school)(rules)at the school.我也不认识他们 I(don't) know them ,(either).我也是 (Neither)(do)(I).不要上学迟到 (Don't)(be)(late)for school上学期间的晚上李明必须呆在家里 Li Ming(has)(to)(stay)(at)(home)on school nights.


School RulesA nation has it's rule and a family also has one! But what rules do we need to do at school?We have to wear school uniforms at school days. And we can't eat in classroon. We also can't bring mobile ghones to school .But I don't agree this one, I think we should be allowed to bring mobile phones to school, because it's easy for our parents to find us after school. And I also think we should wear our own clothes, because those are comfortable. If not, we should be allowed todesign our own uniforms....

校规(譬如在带手机、穿校服方面的一些规定) 英语作文 带中文翻译

1. Don't eat in the class .2.Don't listen to the music in the classroom or hallway.3.Don't be late for school.4.Don't speak loudly in classroom.5.Clean the classroom every day.6.Wear the uniform to school every day7.Don't bring the mobile phone to school.8.Respect your teachers.9.Get on well with the classmates.10.Protect the environment.11.Be polite.1.不准在课堂上吃东西。











是这样写吗? 不是的话我再改~ 望采纳~ :)


班规Be quiet on class.上课安静。

Don't throw rubbish casually.不要随处乱扔垃圾。

No smoking or drinking.不要吸烟喝酒。

Don't fight or say rude words.不打架不骂人。

Don't bully girls.不要欺负女生。

Ask for leave on emergency.有事请假。

Be friendly to classmates.友好待人。

No cheat in exam.考试不能作弊。

Don't wear strangely.不要穿奇装异服。

家规 1)Don't talk loudly at home.不要在家里大声说话2)Don't smoke.不要吸烟)Don't go to bed late 不要睡得太晚 。

校规、please care for the young and old 请尊老爱幼2、Please caringfor public property 请爱护公物3、keep quiet 保持肃静...


1.Don't be late for school.上学不要迟到.2.Finish th homework on time.(Because teachers can know how much knowledg the students get through the homework.)要按时完成作业.(因为作业是老师了解同学对知识了解多少的途径.)3.Be concerntrate during the class.上课要认真听讲.4.Put all your attention only on your study,not others tings like appearance.要把心思放在学习上,不要注意其他别的事情,比如:外表.5.Don't deceive the teachers when you have exams.考试决不能作弊.6.Have a good manner.要有良好的道德举止.7.Don't quarrel with the teachers.不要与老师发生争执.8.Obey the rules of the school.要遵守校规

用英语介绍学校并翻译成中文 只需要10——20个句子

My SchoolThis is my school, it is so big and beautiful. School classroom very capacious, also extremely clean, our teacher is very friendly to us. Our school is in stationery shop opposite. Our school learning environment is very good. We study at school very happy! I love my school! 翻译成中文是这样: 我的学校 这是我的学校,它又大又漂亮。





用should,shouldn't造十个句子 班规或者校规 英语学霸们帮帮忙

Everyone should be kind to others.Everyone shouldn't be late.Everyone should be helpful. Everyone shouldn't eat in class.Everyone shouldn't play with toys in the classroom.Everyone should study hard.Everyone should listen to the teachers' words.



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