> 唯美句子 > 高高中英语句子翻译中 只只要翻译短语中文意思给出要

高高中英语句子翻译中 只只要翻译短语中文意思给出要






alloy: 减少幸福,乐趣;使缓和。


以下是我在邮件中会用到的一些例句我分先后分语境的给你列好了希望能对你有帮助~~~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 邮件的开头1. Most formal (最正规的,再给外部或者领导根据这个人的title不同视情况而定) Dear Mr. Bourne,Dear Prof. Bourne,Dear Dr. Bourne,2. Appropriate (中规中矩,一般同事之间就这样就好了) Hi Jason,Dear Jason,3. Informal (不是很正规,比较要好的相互了解比较深的人之间) Hi,Hi there,Hi boss,称谓下面的祝福话(显得客气友善) 首先,第一种情况,就是初次写信给一个人,那么有以下几种情况可以借鉴:1. Warmly greeting from Beijing! (给不太熟的老外,北京发来的诚挚的问候)2. How are you? How's everything? How's going?(中规中矩,一般同事之间)3. Hope this email find you all well (很客气,就跟我们的“展信笑”差不多) 其次,第二种情况,就是这个人帮助了你,你现在回信开头就要感谢人家:Thank you for your promptreply.当一个同事很快就回复了你的邮件,一定记得要感谢他们(比如那个今天早上9点回复你的家伙你就要给人家说这句话哟)。

如果回复并不及时,只要将“prompt”除去即可,你还可以说,“Thank you for getting back to me.” Thank you for providingthe requested information.如果你询问某人一些信息,他们花了点时间才发送给你,那就用这句句子表示你仍然对他们的付出表示感激。

Thank you for all yourassistance.如果有人给了你特别的帮助,那一定要感谢他们!如果你想对他们表示特别的感激,就用这个句子,“I truly/ highlyappreciate your help in resolving the problem.”Thank you raising your concerns.I sincerely appreciateyour warmly help to improve my Chinese grammar. 诚挚的感谢你为我帮助我提高语文语法(我爸妈从小就没有教好我 55555) 就算某个人对你的工作提出了一定的质疑,你还是要感谢他们。


同时,你可以用“Thank you for yourfeedback.” 以下还有一些常见的开头,在特定的语境下可以使用 Hope you have a good tripback. 祝旅途愉快。

How is the project goingon? 项目进行顺利吗?邮件里面经常涉及的内容1. Initiate a meeting 发起会议(我想这应该是你最常用的了吧~~我总结了几种场景,特别希望涵盖全部,但是由于能力有限,只能尽全力啦!嘿嘿~) Hi Boss,I suggest we have a call tonight at 9:30 pm (China Time) with Mr.Lu. Please kindly let me know if the time is okay for you. 我建议我们今晚九点半和陆先生小聚一下,请您告知您是否有时间。

Dear Hugh,I would like to hold a meeting in the afternoon about ourdevelopment planning for the project A. May I have to know if you'll beconvenience to attend? 今天下午我建议我们就A项目的发展计划开会讨论一下,不知道您是否有时间出席。

Dear All We'd like to have the meeting on Feb 30. Same time. 2月30号,老时间开会。

Dear Mr. Lu Let's make a meeting next Monday at 5:30 PM (SLC time). I want to talk to you over the phone regarding issues about report development and the B project. 下周一盐湖城时区下午五点半开会。


2. Seeking for moreinformation/feedbacks/suggestions 咨询信息/反馈/建议(相信这个你也经常需要,我最喜欢有效地沟通能够用一封邮件把所有想知道的事情都弄明白) a. 询问信息:Hi Yufei, Could youplease warmly help with the following issues? 宇飞,你能帮我以下的问题嘛?(然后罗列你想知道的问题,以后慢慢我们具体问题具体分析) Hi Yufei, Can I checkwith you if there is any update about XXX project? 宇飞,我能问下这个XXX项目有什么进展嘛?Hi Yufei, I wonder if you could help me outfor this problem. 宇飞,你能帮我个忙嘛?(我的回答必须是乐意之极:))Regards with this issue, I'm not comfortableto make this decision based on the current files, and I may need moreinformation. 关于这个问题,根据目前所了解的文件我不太想草率的做决定,我需要更多的信息。

b. 寻求反馈:Hi Huge, shall you haveany problem accessing the folders, please let me know. 辉啊,如果存取文件有任何问题请和我联系。

Dear Huge, thank you andlooking forward to have your opinion on the schedule. 老板谢谢您,并希望能听到您对日程计划的建议。

What is your opinion on the schedule and next steps we proposed?您对计划方面有什么想法?下一步我们应该怎么做?Please feel free to give your comments. 请随意提出您的建议。

Any question, please don't hesitate to let me know.Please contact me if you have any questions.Please let me know if you have any question on this. 有任何问题,欢迎和我联系。

Your comments and suggestions are welcome! 欢迎您的评论和建议! It would be nice if you could provide a bit more information on XXX.您若是能够就XXX方面提供更多的信息...


[英文]:You don't get to choose how you're going to die, or when. You can only decide how you're going to live now.[中文]:你不能选择怎样死,或什么时候死.你只能决定现在怎样生活. [英文]:Mean men admire wealth; great men, glory.[中文]:庸人爱财富,伟人爱荣誉.[英文]:It's great to be great, but it's greater to be human.[中文]:成为伟人是美好的,做一个真正的人更美好.---W.Rogers 罗杰斯(美国幽默家)[英文]:The fame of great men ought to be judged always by the means they used to acquire it.[中文]:判断伟人的名誉应该以他们如何得到它来衡量.---La Rochefoucauld 拉罗什富科[英文]:A little body does often harbour a great soul.[中文]:伟大的心灵常寓于矮小的身躯之中.[英文]:Great men are rarely isolated mountainpeaks; they are the summits of ranges.[中文]:伟人很少是突兀的山峰;他们是众山中的最高峰.----T.W.Higginson 希金森[英文]:There is a great man who makes every man feel small. But the real great man is the man who makes every man feel great.[中文]:有一个伟大人物使所有的人都感动渺小.但是真正伟大的人却使所有的人感到伟大.----G.K.Chesterton 切斯特顿


您好,很高兴为您解答:老师和学生都有权对开设什么课程发表看法both teachers and students 【gave their opinions on】 what courses can be opened .give opinions on... 对...发表看法-------------------------------★倾心解答★愿您满意★★欢迎追问★敬请采纳★-------------------------------




at first 最初 for one thing…(for another) at present 现在;当今 首先…(其次)… currently 目前;最后 recently 最近 first(ly)第一 in general 一般说来 in the beginning 起初 one the one hand…(on the other hand) to begin with 首先;第一 一方面…(另一方面) first of all 首先;第一 generally speaking 一般地说 in the first place 首先;第一 on the whole 总起来说 lately 最近 to start with 首先;第一 presently 现在;此刻 now 现在 (二)有关“承”的常用词语:用来承接上文。

after/after that/afterwards此后 by this time 此时 after a few days 几天以后 certainly 无疑地;当然地 after a while过了一会儿 therefore 因此;结果 also/too 并且;又 for example 例如 at the same time 同时 for instance 例如 beside 此外 for this purpose 为了这个目的 Besides/what,s more 而且;此外 from now on 从此 in addition 此外 second 第二;第二点 in addition to… 除…之外 secondly 第二 in fact 事实上 similarly 同样地 in other words 换句话说 so 所以 in particular 特别(地) soon 不久 in the same way 同样地 still 仍然 by the way 顺便提一句 then 然后 indeed 的确 third 第三;第三点 meanwhile 与此同时 thirdly 第三 moreover 而且,此外 for another 其次 no doubt 无疑地 such as 正如 obviously 明显地 later 后来 of course当然 truly 事实上;真实地 particularly特别地 unlike …不像……;和……不同 what is more 而且;此外 (三)有关“转”的常用词语:用来表示不同或相反的意见。

after all 毕竟 fortunately 幸运地 all the same 依然;照样 however 然而;无论如何 anyway 无论如何 in spite of 尽管……;虽然…… at the same time同时;然而 luckily 幸运地 but 但是 by this time 此时 though/although 尽管 no doubt 无疑地 in/by contrast 对比之下 on the contrary 相反地 even though即使 otherwise 否则 still 仍然 unfortunately 不幸地 in fact 事实上 unlike 不像……;和……不同 as a matter of fact 事实上 yet仍;然而;但是 especially 特别地 (四)有关“合”的常用词语:用于小结上文或结束本段落的内容。

above all 最重要的是 accordingly 于是 as a result结果 in sum 总之,简而言之 as has been noted 如前所述 in summary 简要地说 as I have said 如我所述 on the whole 总体来说;整个看来 at last 最后 therefore 因此 by and large 一般说来 thus 因此 briefly 简单扼要地 to speak frankly 坦白地说 by doing so 如此 to sum up 总而言之 eventually 最后 surely 无疑 finally 最后 to conclude 总而言之 in brief 简言之 no doubt 毫无疑问 in conclusion 总之,最后 undoubtedly 无疑 in short 简而言之 truly 的确 in a word 总之 so 所以 certainly 当然地;无疑地 obviously 显然 all in all 总之 二、根据衔接词本身的意思和文章连接所需要的逻辑意义,可分为以下14类。

(一)表示因果关系 as a result He never studied hard, and as a result he failed in the last examination. as a result of He is late for work as a result of traffic accident. accordingly He wanted to buy a radio for study English, and accordingly her mother bought it for him. because(of) We are delayed because of a traffic jam. due to His success is due to his excellent work. owing to Owing to his absence, our meeting is not held. thanks to Thanks to a good teacher, she passed the examination. now that Now that you have grown up, you must earn for yourself. so long as You could realize your dream so long as you try it again and again. since Since you are here now, you,d better give a hand. in that The policy is harmful in that it may encourage people to give up. so that The office speaks at the top of his voice so that every soldier could hear him. therefore There is a calculating mistakes there, therefore, the answer is wrong. (二)表示解释关系 as a matter of fact I will go there this morning, as a matter of fact, I am only 10 minutes, drive from you. as well I will go there. My friend will go with me as well. frankly speaking Frankly speaking, I am not very satisfactory with your words. in this case In this case, I will go there as soon as possible. (三)表示推理关系 or else Hurry up, or else you,ll be late. otherwise You must carry this passport, otherwise you will be stopped by the guard. if so If so, it will make a great difference. (四)表示递进关系 in addition I need your help. In addition, I also need her support. besides First, we must work hard. Besides, we must work with a creative mind. and moreover The hat is the right size for you, and moreover, it goes well with your skin. that is to say The stock price is declining, that is to say, I am losing money. in other words I am not hungry, in other words, I really dislike the food in this canteen. equally ...


It upsets me that I cannot get along well with my English.Please stay calm when danger comes.As for English,it plays an important role in international trade.Good friends don't means what they can do for each other,but whether they will help each other forwardly if necessary.Had suffered defeat after defeat , he began to lose faith in himself.


一般的四六集作文都是以论文,就可以借用Recently / Nowadays xxx becomes a very heated topic。

Some hold that it is good for (students/ our country等),while others take the opposite position。

Ithink that it hasits advantages and disadvantadesFirst,it has many advantages, such as (例如说有那些优点,或者对什么有什么好处等)。

Also, it has many disadvantages (例如说有那些缺点,或者对什么有什么坏处等)。

In a word, xx just like a double-edged sword, both have good effect and bad influence. So we have to look at it rationally, try to make good use of it and avoid it's disadvantage。





my summer vacation of this year was very enjoyable. i went to the countryside to spend my summer holidays. it is very beautiful there. there are green plants, clear rivers, lovely animals kind people. i spent two weeks helping my grandfather do some farm work there. i wrote down what happened in my diary every day.besides that, i helped the children in the neighbourhood with their lessons. i helped them read english improve their spoken english. their parents thanked me for this.今年的暑假生活非常愉快。





















高高中英语句子翻译中 只只要翻译短语中文意思给出要:等您坐沙发呢!


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