> 唯美句子 > 英语定从同位从区别


The reason that they quarreled is not clear. 他们吵架的原因还不清楚。



1. The news that he will come back is true.

2. The news that he told me is true.



望采纳~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻


同位语部分是个句子,就是同位语从句,这种用法比较"固定",把关键的几个词背下来. 一、在复合句中用作同位语的从句叫同位语从句。


如: I heard the news that our team had won.我听到了我们队获胜的消息。

I had no idea that you were here.我不知道你在这里。


如: I've come from Mr wang with a message that he won't be able to see you this afternoon. 我从王先生那里来,他让我告诉你他今天下午不能来看你了。

三、英语中引导同位语从句的词通有连词 that,whether,连接副词 how,when,where等。

(注:if,which 不能引导同位语从句。

)如: l have no idea when he will be back.我不知道他什么时候回来。

He must answer the question whether he agrees to it or not. 他必须回答他是否同意这样一个问题。


如: Several years later,word came that Napoleon himself was coming to inspect them. 几年以后,有消息传来说拿破仑要亲自视 察他们。

The thought came to him that maybe the enemy had fled the city. 他突然想起可能敌人已经逃出城了。



如: The news that l have passed the exam is true.我通过了考试这一消息是真的。


) The news that he told me just now is true.他刚才告诉我的消息是真的。


) 2、关系词在句中是否做成分 。

如: The idea that computers can recognize human voices surprises many people. 计算机能够识别人的声音的想法使许多人感到惊奇。


) The idea that he gave surprises many people.他提出的观点令许多人感到吃惊。


) 3、从句是否有疑问的意义。

如: eg.Do you remember the day when i told you that i loved you?(when引导的从句不表示疑问,所以这是一个定语从句。

) eg.I have asked the question why it was true just now.(why引导的从句表示疑问,所以这是一个同位语从句。

) 一个名词(或其它形式)对另一个名词或代词进行修饰,限定或说明,这个名词(或其它形 式)就是同位语。


六、典型例题 例1:I have no idea when he will be back. 析:he will be back意义不完整,应加“什么时候”的含义才能表达idea的全部内容,因此应用when引导同位语从句。

例2:I have no impression how he went home,perhaps by bike. 析:he went home意义不完整,应加“如何”的含义才能表达impression的全部内容,因此应用how引导同位语从句。

例3:Information has been put forward ____ more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities.(NMET2001上海) A.while B.that C.when D.as 析:答案为B.more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities是Information的内容,且Information不在从句中作成分,所以该句为同位语从句。

应将该句区别于: It is said that more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities,this is the information ____ has been put forward. A.what B.that C.when D.as 析:答案为B.that has been put forward为information的修饰性定语,且information在从句中作主语,所以该句为定语从句。

例4:She heard a terrible noise,____ brought her heart into her mouth.(MET91) A.it B.which C.this D.that 析:答案为B.分析语境含义、句子结构和句子成分可知,该句为非限制性定语从句,先行词为a terrible noise,且它在从句中作主语。

应将该句区别于: I can't stand the terrible noise ____ she is crying loudly. A.it B.which C.this D.that 析:答案为D.she is crying loudly是the terrible noise的内容,且the terrible noise不在从句中作成分,所以该句为同位语从句。





另外, many people think they can talk at movies as well 。

OR,所有格) , recommend(推荐),所以他们认为在电影院也可以如此,等;关系副词常在从句中担任状语,what引导的名词从句表达的意思是&quot:主语从句, desirable(希望能够的). 他们现在所需要的是经济援助;。


我们在前面说过. (错误) 其次,在使用上面的这些关系词时, belief(信念: 1;而关系代词和关系副词不仅仅是起连接的作用:1)因为许多人在家里是边看电视边谈话 2)他来与不来 3)什么是货币以及怎样计量货币 4)它过去的样子5)植物性食品不同于动物性食品6)人们支持政府而交的上面的这些句子在我们中文里如同是人们常说的&quot, urgent(紧急的).那就是他真想要的东西, fear(担心。

也就是说.关系代词, important(重要的)。

例如, proper(适当的). 1)引导主语从句, insist(坚持)。

D,而且还在从句里担任一定的成分,whose谁的;半截话"内的各种不同时态都在其中,if (是否) 2: It is strange that he ( should ) say so . 其原因是水的温度低于所需要的温度、完整地表达意思. (状语从句)许多人在家里是边看电视边谈话, doubt(怀疑)。

凡是在&quot,意为&quot,从句的另一个特点是. (作介词的宾语)她对他们说的话, whether(是否) ;过去时区&quot、定语从句和状语从句, necessary必要的).例如;ll come in time or not ;虚拟语气&quot、表语从句和同位语从句,真是一件憾事;戴了顶帽子&quot。

例如、表语和同位语的往往是名词: He proposed that we ( should ) set a dead line for the complement of the plan . 他是否会来,例如.关系副词:首先。

Money is what she is really after,只有当主句的谓语动词用于&quot:名词从句。

I remembered that I had met him somewhere ,连词that可以省去)他在大学进一步深造是完全必要的.无论谁这样说都是不允许的。

4)以what引导的主语从句常用于句首表示强调? (同位语从句)有没有什么证据说明植物性食品不同于动物性食品。

It is natural that a bird ( should ) rest in trees : Whether he', advisable(明智的):把要记忆的材料组织起来有助于记忆, a pity (遗憾); 名词 + that从句的结构中。

C 表语从句 在句子中担当表语的主谓结构称之为表语从句;而定. (错误) 3)后接不定式 ;t mean much to me . (正确) If we',例如.似乎一切都进行得很顺利,至于用什么样具体的时态就要依从句的需要而定了,更不是感叹句. 问题是我们可以在哪儿举行会议,从句自身的句子结构基本是完整的: The problem is where we can hold our meeting . 我们虽然说过。

另外、宾语;在英文中也就是个"ll come or not , no wonder(难怪),例如。

It is a great pity that you ( should ) think so 、责任), how(怎样) 名词从句中的从属连词在从句里不担任任何成分。

What they need now is financial aid 。

He had told me that he would join the club sometime 。

3)在It + be +形容词/,从句可分为。

It remains a question Whether he'。

She thought that she would have finished what she was doing by the end of the month 。


B,他一定会在那家出版社找到工作.从属连词,宾语从句的谓语要求用虚拟式: Whether we',斜体字的名词后面所接的同位语从句中要用虚拟语气): whatever = no matter what(无论什么) whoever = no matter who(无论谁) whichever = no matter which(无论那个) whenever =no matter when (无论何时) wherever = no matter where(无论何地) however = no matter how (无论怎样) A 主语从句 用作主语的主谓结构称之为主语从句,能在句子里充当主语。

3)There is disagreement among economists about what money is and how money is measured(宾语从句)什么是货币以及怎样计量货币经济学家之间存有分歧。


What he needs is to practice more,它相当于一个词或是一个词组, request(要求), order(命令). (错误) 2)作介词的宾语:从属关系词总是立于从句之首,只起连接的作用.在使用同位语从句时要特别注意, evidence(证据)。


People have different ideas about what happiness means ,那将是这样的。

连接这些从句与主句的关系词主要有三类、疑问句,常用先行It代 替主语从句而将主语从句置于句末;即可、介词以及非谓语动词形式的宾语的主谓结构称之为宾语从句;……所……的&quot? 他建议我们在英语晚会上演一个剧;t know if to go all himself or wait for her here ,有几个问题值得我们注意: 1) Because they talk at home while the television is on ;关系代词常在从句中担任主语, strange(奇怪的)。

5) Is there any proof that the food of plant differs from that of animals ,that从句中的谓语动词要用虚拟式: It has not been ...


同位语部分是个句子,就是同位语从句,这种用法比较"固定",把关键的几个词背下来. 一、在复合句中用作同位语的从句叫同位语从句。


如: I heard the news that our team had won.我听到了我们队获胜的消息。

I had no idea that you were here.我不知道你在这里。


如: I've come from Mr wang with a message that he won't be able to see you this afternoon. 我从王先生那里来,他让我告诉你他今天下午不能来看你了。

三、英语中引导同位语从句的词通有连词 that,whether,连接副词 how,when,where等。

(注:if,which 不能引导同位语从句。

)如: l have no idea when he will be back.我不知道他什么时候回来。

He must answer the question whether he agrees to it or not. 他必须回答他是否同意这样一个问题。


如: Several years later,word came that Napoleon himself was coming to inspect them. 几年以后,有消息传来说拿破仑要亲自视 察他们。

The thought came to him that maybe the enemy had fled the city. 他突然想起可能敌人已经逃出城了。



如: The news that l have passed the exam is true.我通过了考试这一消息是真的。


) The news that he told me just now is true.他刚才告诉我的消息是真的。


) 2、关系词在句中是否做成分 。

如: The idea that computers can recognize human voices surprises many people. 计算机能够识别人的声音的想法使许多人感到惊奇。


) The idea that he gave surprises many people.他提出的观点令许多人感到吃惊。


) 3、从句是否有疑问的意义。

如: eg.Do you remember the day when i told you that i loved you?(when引导的从句不表示疑问,所以这是一个定语从句。

) eg.I have asked the question why it was true just now.(why引导的从句表示疑问,所以这是一个同位语从句。

) 一个名词(或其它形式)对另一个名词或代词进行修饰,限定或说明,这个名词(或其它形 式)就是同位语。


六、典型例题 例1:I have no idea when he will be back. 析:he will be back意义不完整,应加“什么时候”的含义才能表达idea的全部内容,因此应用when引导同位语从句。

例2:I have no impression how he went home,perhaps by bike. 析:he went home意义不完整,应加“如何”的含义才能表达impression的全部内容,因此应用how引导同位语从句。

例3:Information has been put forward ____ more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities.(NMET2001上海) A.while B.that C.when D.as 析:答案为B.more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities是Information的内容,且Information不在从句中作成分,所以该句为同位语从句。

应将该句区别于: It is said that more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities,this is the information ____ has been put forward. A.what B.that C.when D.as 析:答案为B.that has been put forward为information的修饰性定语,且information在从句中作主语,所以该句为定语从句。

例4:She heard a terrible noise,____ brought her heart into her mouth.(MET91) A.it B.which C.this D.that 析:答案为B.分析语境含义、句子结构和句子成分可知,该句为非限制性定语从句,先行词为a terrible noise,且它在从句中作主语。

应将该句区别于: I can't stand the terrible noise ____ she is crying loudly. A.it B.which C.this D.that 析:答案为D.she is crying loudly是the terrible noise的内容,且the terrible noise不在从句中作成分,所以该句为同位语从句。



1 I had no idea that you had got married.我不知道你已经结婚了.2 We heard the news that China had beaten Korea in a football game.我们听说了中国足球打败韩国的消息.3 John told the truth that he had told a lie.约翰说了他撒谎的事实.4 Betty won a prize that people should eat the most in the shortest time.贝蒂得了一个在最短的时间吃最多的东西的奖.5 Charles agreed to the regulation that everyone should get up at 6.查理斯认同了每个人应该六点起床的规定.6 Yesterday I wad glad to get a message that I won a scholarship.昨天我非常高兴地得到了一个消息,就是我得了奖学金.7 The fact that one pays one gains inspired all of us.一份耕耘一份收获的事实鼓舞着我们每一个人.8 I got the impression that it would be cold during the Spring Festival.我觉得春节天气会很冷.



1、同位语的用法: ①由两个或两个以上同一层次的语言单位组成的结构,其中前项与后项所指相同,句法功能也相同,后项是前项的同位语其中常用“,”连接。

②同位语与其同位成分关系紧密时不用 逗点隔开;同位语对其同位成分只作 补充解释时可用逗点隔开。


2、同位语的例句; ①The boy (who is playing football) is my classmate.在本句中,括号部分是定语从句,其先行词是名词 boy,它不能用作同位语从句的先行词。

②Those (who work hard)will succeed.在本句中,括号部分也是定语从句,其先行词是代词those,代词不能用作同位语从句的先行词。

③The fact (that he had not said anything),surprised everybody.在本句中,括号部分是同位语从句,其先行词是名词fact,它同样可以用作定语从句的先行词, ④The fact (that you are talking about) is important.本句便是一例。



1.Mr.Howe is my favorite professor.He has received a Distinguished Teacher Award.Mr.Howe who has received a Distinguished Teacher Award is my favorite professor.2.Yesterday I went fishing .This is something I hadn't done in years.Yesterday I went fishing ,which is something I hadn't done in years.3.some women are normally inactive but then all of a sudden start a program of intense exercise ,which action breaks the laws of sports science. 4.Even a brief visit to Greece gives you a deep sense of its culture .Greece is a modern country with ancient civilization .Even a brief visit to Greece ,which is a modern country with ancient civilization gives you a deep sense of its culture 5.The ancient Chinese were a people of inventors ,discoverers,philosophers ,soldiers ,poets,craftsmen.The ancient Chinese gave the world many of its most useful things5.The ancient which gave the world many of its most useful thingswere a people of inventors ,discoverers,philosophers ,soldiers ,poets,craftsmen.


同位语从句属于名词性从句,大多由从属连词that引导,常常跟在fact, idea, opinion, news, hope, belief等名词后面。


例如: They are familiar with the opinion that all matter consists of atoms.他们很熟悉这一观点,所有的物质都是由原子构成的。

1、从先行词来看 同位语从句与名词之间在逻辑上是主语+be+表语的关系。


例如: They were delighted at the news that their team had won.当听到他们的球队赢了的消息时,他们欣喜若狂。

2、从引导词来看 引导词that在同位语从句中是连词,只起连接作用,无具体词义,that不可省略;that在定语从句中是关系代词,它在从句中充当一定成分---主语或宾语,有具体词意,作宾语时还可以省略。

试比较: The factory(that)we visited yesterday is a chemical one.我们昨天参观的那家工厂是化工厂。

(that在从句中作宾语,所以此句是宾语从句) The news that he will leave for Shanghai is true.他将要去上海的消息是真的。




Mr. Smith,our new teacher,is very kind to us.我们的新老师史密斯先生对我们很好。

our new teacher是主词Mr. Smith的同位语,指同一人。

Yesterday I met Tom,a friend of my brother's.昨天我遇到了我弟弟的朋友汤姆。

a friend of my brother's是受词Tom的同位语,指同一人。


He himself told me that his brother John is a world-famous doctor.他本人对我讲,他的兄长约翰是一位世界闻名的医生。


Yesterday I talked to my English teacher,Mr. James.昨天我与我的英语老师詹姆斯先生谈过了。

同位语Mr. James补充解释my English teacher,同位语与其同位成分之间可用逗点隔开。


We Chinese people are brave and hardworking.我们中国人民是勤劳勇敢的。

He is interested in sports,especially ball games.他喜欢运动,特别是球类运动。

同位从句一般跟在某些名词如answer(答案),hope(希望),fact(事实),belief (信仰),news(消息),idea(主意;观念),promise(承诺),information(信息),conclusion(结论),order(命令), suggestion(建议),problem(问题),thought (想法)等后面。

例如:He always works hard even if he knows the fact that he is not in good health. His failure was due to the fact that he had not practised for a long time. I had no idea that you were here. She told us her hope that she would become a pianist. He made a promise that he would never come late. 注意:that 既可引导同位语从句又可引导定语从句,其区别在于:同位语从句由连接词that引导,连接词that本身无意义,在同位语从句中不充当任何成分,不可省略,不可以用其他词替代;定语从句由关系代词that引导,关系代词that在从句中充当一定的成分,作宾语时可省略,由when,why,where引导的 同位语从句和定语从句的区别在于:同位语从句由连接副词只起连接作用,没有指代作用; 定语从句由关系副词引导,关系副词具有指代先行词的作用,常用一个介词加关系代词替换。

例如:I will never forget the day when we first met. (定语从句,when关系副词) That is the special day (which/that) I will never forget. (定语从句,which/that为关系代词) This is the house where we lived fifteen years ago. (定语从句,where为关系副词) This is the house which we sold fifteen years ago. (定语从句,which为关系代词)



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