> 唯美句子 > 用英语评价别人的演讲


It's terrific to see you dress formally and well prepared for the speech, and your poster is well done as well.

however, you need to make more eye contact with the audience and better speak with various tones and clear pronunciation. I have to say you are a bit stiff without proper body language, which is no good for impressing the audience and the jury. Moreover, I really hope you can put more passion into the speech and try to enrich it with more facial expression, then surely your speech would be fabulous.


your grammar is ok. It's worth mentioning that a boy gave a fantastic speech with an impressive beginning, furthermore, he was fairly humorous and enthusiastic throughout the speech, and he made good eye contact with the audience and used appropriate body language in the speech.


展开全部 其实如果你只想要应付的话 你就可是说Your speech is great, but is still a lack of self-confidence.你的演讲很棒,但还是缺乏自信You sound good, but not enough solid basic skills.你的声音不错,但是基本功不够扎实。

Your language is very fluent, but speech is not enough deep understanding of the content你的语言很流畅,但对于演讲内容的理解还不够深刻。

The language of your organization, the voices are very good, also very confident, I really like你的语言组织,声音都很不错,也很有自信,我很喜欢一般后面可以加一句I hope you continue to work希望你继续努力或者I look forward to your next performance 我期待你下一次的表现...


展开全部 答It's terrific to see you dress formally and well prepared for the speech, and your poster is well done as well. however, you need to make more eye contact with the audience and better speak with various tones and clear pronunciation. I have to say you are a bit stiff without proper body language, which is no good for impressing the audience and the jury. Moreover, I really hope you can put more passion into the speech and try to enrich it with more facial expression, then surely your speech would be fabulous.演讲中没有语法错误,尤其其中一个男孩讲的非常好,他演讲的开头很好,而且很幽默,演讲有激情,并且和观众有很好的眼神交流并且在演讲中有适当的肢体语言your grammar is ok. It's worth mentioning that a boy gave a fantastic speech with an impressive beginning, furthermore, he was fairly humorous and enthusiastic throughout the speech, and he made good eye contact with the audience and used appropriate body language in the speech....





展开全部 Your speech is great, but is still a lack of self-confidence.你的演讲很棒,但还是缺乏自信You sound good, but not enough solid basic skills.你的声音不错,但是基本功不够扎实。

Your language is very fluent, but speech is not enough deep understanding of the content你的语言很流畅,但对于演讲内容的理解还不够深刻。

The language of your organization, the voices are very good, also very confident, I really like你的语言组织,声音都很不错,也很有自信,我很喜欢一般后面可以加一句I hope you continue to work希望你继续努力或者I look forward to your next performance 我期待你下一次的表现...


其实如果你只想要应付的话 你就可以说Your speech is great, but is still a lack of self-confidence.你的演讲很棒,但还是缺乏自信You sound good, but not enough solid basic skills.你的声音不错,但是基本功不够扎实。

Your language is very fluent, but speech is not enough deep understanding of the content你的语言很流畅,但对于演讲内容的理解还不够深刻。

The language of your organization, the voices are very good, also very confident, I really like你的语言组织,声音都很不错,也很有自信,我很喜欢一般后面可以加一句I hope you continue to work希望你继续努力或者I look forward to your next performance 我期待你下一次的表现...


hello!everyone,my name isXXX,I am a middle school 【中学,如果你不是就把middle改掉】student of XXX sschool.Im xx yers old.Ilike xxx .And I like play xxx very much just at the moment when i was feeling bored I can xx something【译:我喜欢玩XXX此刻就在我感到无聊的东西我可以xx】You can see my inner like my appearance,XXIs my own best summarized【大家所看到的我的内在就像我的外表一样,xx是我对自己最好的概括】Three minutes is always in people's life is fleeting,three minute self introduction is as a meteor across,see you.【三分钟总是在人们的生命中转瞬即逝,三分钟自我介绍也如流星般划过,各位再见】




as well as 和后一个such as是并列的,都是为了引出后面的举例。

important notwithstanding 是前面的成分。


1您的稿子囊括了重点,简洁而不轻浮,清爽但不是优雅.文风高雅,讲演行云流水,虽不为大家所作,犹可承大家之风范.2文采斐然 下笔万言倚马3文铺锦绣,字吐珠玑.篇篇俱是云烟满,句句皆取锦绣裁.大侠文采飞扬,才情过人,李白唐伯虎杜甫泰戈尔在世看此文章必定甘败下风,从此无脸见人··


It's terrific to see you dress formally and well prepared for the speech,and your poster is well done as well.however,you need to make more eye contact with the audience and better speak with various tones and clear pronunciation.I have to say you are a bit stiff without proper body language,which is no good for impressing the audience and the jury.Moreover,I really hope you can put more passion into the speech and try to enrich it with more facial expression,then surely your speech would be fabulous.演讲中没有语法错误,尤其其中一个男孩讲的非常好,他演讲的开头很好,而且很幽默,演讲有激情,并且和观众有很好的眼神交流并且在演讲中有适当的肢体语言your grammar is ok.It's worth mentioning that a boy gave a fantastic speech with an impressive beginning,furthermore,he was fairly humorous and enthusiastic throughout the speech,and he made good eye contact with the audience and used appropriate body language in the speech.可以了吧 适当再加分吧 很辛苦的



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