> 唯美句子 > 有关压力的英语名句



You give me pressure, I also you a miracle.


Feel the pressure, that the struggle!


Most pressure, may be the highest efficiency.


Pressure this stuff, he said, he says, no.


Pressure is the power, too much pressure on the oppression.


Only the winners can truly realize the value of the pursuit.


Is a mountain precipice setbacks, gives birth to the magnificent waterfalls.


Another explanation: lazy prove you don't have much stress.


Pressure is power, but also to master's degrees.


Between the psychological pressure and life pressure, I choose the latter.


Don't be afraid of pressure, because can put the stone into diamonds.


Not demanding to him, ease the pressure on him.


Bear the burden of pressure, ejecting yinhua fountain to the clouds.


Had a target, just have pressure. To have the pressure, to have power.


Pressure outside-in called rolling, by inside and outside call breakthrough.


Life is like a pressure cooker. When pressure is too great is ripe.


Pressure, find a good one export, no pressure, don't load.


Pressure or some. Every day without pressure and lost.


Do you want to live in this world there is no pressure, it's not possible.



展开全部 1、你给我压力,我还你奇迹。

You give me pressure, I also you a miracle.2、感到压力了,就说明该奋斗了!Feel the pressure, that the struggle!3、压力最大的时候,效率可能最高。

Most pressure, may be the highest efficiency.4、压力这种东西,说着说着就没有了。

Pressure this stuff, he said, he says, no.5、压力适量是动力,压力过量是压迫。

Pressure is the power, too much pressure on the oppression.6、只有成功者才能真正体会到追求的价值。

Only the winners can truly realize the value of the pursuit.7、断崖是山的挫折,却产生了壮丽的瀑布。

Is a mountain precipice setbacks, gives birth to the magnificent waterfalls.8、懒惰的另一解释:证明你没有多大压力。

Another explanation: lazy prove you don't have much stress.9、压力就是动力,但也同样要掌握压力的度。

Pressure is power, but also to master's degrees.10、在心理压力和生活压力之间,我选择后者。

Between the psychological pressure and life pressure, I choose the latter.11、不要怕压力,因为压力能把石头变成钻石。

Don't be afraid of pressure, because can put the stone into diamonds.12、不能对他要求很高,减轻他的压力就行了。

Not demanding to him, ease the pressure on him.13、承受压力的重荷,喷水池才喷射出银花朵朵。

Bear the burden of pressure, ejecting yinhua fountain to the clouds.14、有了目标,才有压力。


Had a target, just have pressure. To have the pressure, to have power.15、压力由外而内叫碾压,压力由内而外叫突破。

Pressure outside-in called rolling, by inside and outside call breakthrough.16、人生就像高压锅。


Life is like a pressure cooker. When pressure is too great is ripe.17、有压力,找个好的出口,没压力,就不要负重。

Pressure, find a good one export, no pressure, don't load.18、压力还是要有的。


Pressure or some. Every day without pressure and lost.19、你想在这个世界上毫无压力的活下去,这不可能。

Do you want to live in this world there is no pressure, it's not possible.20、我从来都不惧怕压力,老实说,我享受这种压力。

I never afraid of pressure, to be honest, I enjoy this kind of pressure.21、对于时刻,失败者跟着小时爬,成功者跟着秒时跑。

For the moment, the losers followed hours climbing, winners followed seconds to run.22、科学尊重事实,服从真理,而不会屈服于任何压力。

Scientific respect facts, obey the truth, and not to yield to any pressure.23、人有没有信念并非取决于铁链或任何其他外在的压力。

People have a belief is not depends on the chain or any other external pressures.24、不要害怕压力。


Don't be afraid of pressure. Remember: this is the stress, the carbon changed into diamond.25、释放所有的压力确实不好,应该要保持一定程度的紧张。

Release all the pressure is really bad, should maintain a certain degree of tension.26、失败,是一笔难得的财富,而成功,则是对失败的结算。

Failure, is a rare wealth and success, is for the settlement of failure.27、适当的压力可以让人充满动力,句子大全http://www.1juzI.coM/过分的压力会变成包袱。

Proper pressure can make people full of power, excessive pressure will become a burden.28、如果压力从外而来就会是压力,如果从内而来就会是动力。

If the pressure from the outside is, if the will is power comes from within.29、挫折是块磨石,把强者磨得更加坚强,把弱者磨得更加脆弱。

Frustration is a piece of stone, grinding the strong more strong, grinding the weak more vulnerable.30、他们不是因为我们的要求而感到压力,而是自己给自己施加压力。

They not because our requirements and feel the pressure, but pressure yourself.31、压力的敌对头,是好玩,什么东西都把它变成好玩,压力自然减少。

Hostile head pressure, it is fun, everything is turning it into fun, pressure naturally decreases.32、真正的爱情需要什么?需要两个人在一起是轻松快乐的,没有压力。

True love need? Need two people together is relaxed and happy, no pressure.33、压力从来都是自己给自己的,别人给你施加的那不叫做压力,那叫压迫。

Pressure is always to their own, others give you that is not called pressure, that call oppression.34、这般压力,犹如万钧,仿佛所有的压力都是集中一点,顷刻而生,顷刻而死!This pressure, like Wan Jun, as if all the stress is concentrated, born in an instant, die in an instant!35、压力是造成秃头的原因,但刻意避免压力又会造成压力,到头来我们根本无能为力。

Stress is the cause of the bald, but deliberately avoided pressure can cause stress, in the end we simply can do.36、鸡蛋,从外打破是食物,从内打破是生命;人生,从外打破是压力,从内打破是成长。

Eggs, from the outside to break is food, from with...


生于忧患死于安乐Thrive in calamity and perish in soft living ; “A careless word may kindle strife; a cruel word may wreck a life, a timely word may level stress, a loving word may heal and bless.” You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” 1 I'm beat! 累死我啦! Beat是俚语,就是指very tired,关于beat的俚语解释还有很多,很多人熟悉的Michael Jackson的那首歌Beat It,有些CD封面翻译成打击它,而实际上beat it在这里也是一个俚语的词组,即闪开,一边儿去的意思。

2 I feel burnt out all the time. 我经常感觉自己快燃尽了。

Burnt out是固定搭配,蜡烛烧到最后马上就要烧干,这种状态现在很多上班族都有,没完没了的会议和没完没了的文件处理,自己的精力就慢慢被耗尽。


3 Burning the midnight oil, huh? 正在熬夜工作吗? 这句话是一个习语,往往用在你加班以后要离开公司的时候,发现另一间屋子还有人在工作,丝毫没有要收工回家的意思,你可以用这句话作为开场白,表达诚挚的关心。

4 No facebook or twitter for you today! Finish this today or you're fired! 不许上facebook!不许上twitter!不完成任务就炒你鱿鱼! 你的老板有对你这么说过吗?有的时候他的眼神是这么凶神恶煞吗?人们拼命工作背后的压力是什么,有时候仔细想想真的就是怕这句话,怕被fired,反过来想,如果你敢fire老板,你还有那么大压力吗? 5 I know you're under a lotta stress, but you're gonna have to deal with this now. 我知道你现在事情多压力大,但这件事很急,你必须现在处理一下。

压力山大的英文怎么说?under a lotta stress。


6 This boulder on my shoulder gets heavy and harder to hold and this load is like the weight of the world. 压力越来越大,越来越难以承受,感觉整个世界的重量都压到我的肩膀上。



7 看一段对话 ----I've got a stack of documents on my desk this high. ----Just toss them in the shredder and claim you never got them. 这段话来自《老友记》,一个人说我办公桌的文件都叠很高了,Chandler风趣的说道,应该把那些文件都扔到碎纸机里,然后和别人说自己从来没收到这些文件。

一摞文件的说法是a stack of documents,碎纸机的说法是shredder。

解决压力的方法其实没有那么神乎其神,就是平衡自己的生活,避免自己陷入某一个生活领域从而丧失自己对生活的主动权,那么各位亲爱的读者,今天你压力山大吗?欢迎采纳 展开


Dear Mr. Green, Thank you very much for you letter and I am sorry to hear that you have trouble sleeping well these days. I would like to present you with three suggestions. First, please do not think about your work when you are at home resting. Second, you might as well do some light exercises to tire your body up. Thirdly, listen to some music. Music is magic and you will feel that after a while. Please do keep me updated of your progress and don't hesitate to let me know if you need further advice. Wish you a good night's sleep.


日常生活英文:Daily life.造句:1. I am sustained by letters of support and what people say to me in ordinary daily life.这些支持的信件和人们每天对我的鼓励一直支撑着我。

2. Does such an attitudinal change reflect real experiences in daily life?人生观的这种转变是否反映了日常生活中的真实遭遇?3. The time has come for parents to butt out of the adolescent's daily life.到了让父母别再干预未成年子女日常生活的时候了。

4. Douglas plays a frustrated American everyman who suddenly loses control under the pressure of daily life.道格拉斯扮演一个失意的普通美国人,他在日常生活压力下突然失控。

5. All of these help relax and de-stress you from the rigors of daily life.所有这些都能帮助放松身心,缓解日常生活的辛苦带来的压力。



请看我下面的分析:首先,请注意resignation from the editorship of She after a build-up of stress, 这里边的“She” 是大写的,也就是说,这个“She”是专有名词,而并不是指Kelsey这个人。


然后,brings with it 里面的it,其实是指一种生活的态度,什么样子的生活态度呢?是“abandoning the doctrine of “juggling your life”, and making the alternative move into “downshifting” ”这样的生活态度。



主干为:I have discovered that / abandoning the doctrine of “juggling your life”, /and making the alternative move into “downshifting” brings with it far greater rewards than financial success and / social status.“as perhaps Kelsey will”是伴随状语从句的主干,“after her much-publicized resignation from the editorship of She / after a build up of stress”是两个并列介词短语作状语修饰“as perhaps Kelsey will”,“abandoning the doctrine of 'juggling your life', /and making the alternative move into 'downshifting'”是两个并列动名词短语充当宾语从句的主语。





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