> 唯美句子 > 英语中表委婉的请求有什么?(至少6种啊)


I would be grateful if you ......

I would appreciate if you ......

I would like to (请求) you to do .....

I am sorry to trouble you but +提问者想做的事情

sth is also a another encouragement for us

It is my pleasure to 请求 you ......


I don't agree with you;I don't agree on what you have said;如果是口语的话,还有一种委婉的方式,你直接说以上的表达,在口语里面有点strong.当别人表达完观点以后,你可以简单评价一下,然后说你的观点.A: .....opinionB: Sounds interesting. I believe.....


日常英语口语900句(下)481. Are you going to go any place this year? 今年你打算去其他地方吗?482. If I have enough money,I'm going to take a trip abroad.如果我有足够的钱,我就会出国旅行。

483. How are you going?Are you going by boat? 你打算怎样去?是不是打算乘船去?484. It's faster to go by plane than by boat.坐飞机比坐船快。

485. What's the quickest way to get there? 到那儿最快的交通方式是什么?486. Altogether it will take ten days to make the trip.这次旅行可能要花费十天的时间。

487. I hope you have a good time on your trip.祝你旅途愉快。

488. I'm leaving tomorrow,but I haven't packed my suitcases yet.我明天出发,但是现在还没有整理好我的箱子。

489. I'm going by air.I like flying.我打算坐飞机去,我喜欢乘飞机。

490. My brother took a trip to Mexico.我哥哥去了莫斯科旅行。

491. It was a six-hour flight. 这是6小时的航程。

492. How many passengers were on the train? 火车上有多少乘客?493. His friend was injured in an airplane crash.他的朋友在飞机事故中受伤。

494. Would you like to go for a walk? 你喜欢去散散步吗?495. Let's go out to the airport. The plane landed ten minutes ago.让我们去机场。


496. I'm going shopping because I need to buy some clothes.我想去商店,因为我需要买些衣服。

497. If this shirt doesn't fit,may I bring it back later?如果这个衬衫不合身,我能将它带回来吗?498. What size shoes do you wear?你穿多大号的鞋?499. That suit looks very good on you.你穿这个外套很合身。

500. This dress is made of silk,isn't it?这件衣服以丝绸为材料,是吗?


句型一: Would you like / love (to do) sth.? 这是一个很委婉的表示建议的句型,并带有与对方商量的意味,意为“你想要(做)……吗?”。

如: —Would you like to go to the cinema with me? —Yes. I'd like / love to. 句型二:Shall I / we do sth.? 此句型是用来提建议或征求对方意见的,意为“我(们)做……好吗?”,语气委婉,商量的语气较浓。

如: Shall we go to the zoo? 句型三:Let's do sth. 当你觉得可以直截了当地向对方提出建议,让对方和自己一起去做某事时,常用该句型,意为“咱们做……吧。

”该句型后常加附加问句“shall we?”,使语气更加委婉。

如: Let's listen to this tape, shall we? 句型四:主语+had('d) better (not) do sth.. 该句型用于表示对下级、晚辈的劝告,往往带有命令、强制的语气,意为“某人最好(不要)做某事”。

如: You'd better go to hospital at once. 句型五:Why not do sth.? 该句型是Why don't you / we do sth.?的省略式,表示向对方提出一种建议或询问某种原因,暗含有责备对方的意思,意为“为什么不……?”。

如: Why not go and ask your teacher? =Why don't you go and ask your teacher? 句型六:What / How about (doing) sth.? 如果是在讨论式的谈话中,可用该句型提出一个建议或引出一个新话题。

如: What about meeting outside the school gate? —My father is a worker. —What / How about your mother? 这个网站很详细http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=396866892


——Let's go out for a walk,shall we?——Good idea!——Let us go swimming,will you?——Great!——You'd better go to bed early.—— OK.Thanks!——How about going out for a walk?—— Good idea!——Why not have a dine out this afternoon?—— Oh,it a good idea!——Why don't we go for a picnic?——Oh,what a good idea!祝你开心如意!



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